Hello, my name is Malakili Rancor ingame, and i'm a guild wars n00b
Just thought I'd pop in here and introduce myself
Other games played:
Played SWG for just over 2 years but gave up with that(FarStar erver, ign wenbo in case anybody cares)
fooked around in MxO and EQ2 a bit as well
Play UT2004 fairly often
Jedi Academy I play on random servers
And thats about it for now... Waiting for star trek online and pirates of the burning sea LOTR online looks interesting as well.
Aye, just recently started playing guild wars again and got my character to 20 so i thought I'd join the community (MMO's are much more fun if you get to know a few people better)
It's not against the rules to say hi, but there is a specific thread for that already (see Etta's post). Now that you have said hello, we really don't need yet another spam thread. Remember to check out the Sticky threads at the top of each forum and the Forum Rules link at the top of the page.